Tutorial: XQuery 3D KML Histograms

Jan 10, 2012    

Yesterday, my blog post on Software Engineering got over 2000 hits because I posted it on Hacker News as a blogging and social news experiment. (and because I am a huge nerd)  That night, I found myself staring at the real-time geospatial view in Google Analytics and got inspired to type up a similar visualization in XQuery as a thanks to the community for taking a few moments to skim my site.

Here is a tutorial for rendering a 3D KML Histogram, also known as a Choropleth diagram,  in MarkLogic.  The example will be on static data, but if the “event” content in the MarkLogic data was updated, building a real-time updating visualization would be trivial.  The code needs some tuning, but I’ll put it out here to let others use for their own purposes.

Source Data:

I copied and pasted the table of city names from my Google Analytics dashboard to excel.  I then exported the first two columns to CSV, imported this text file using xdmp:document-load, and split the file with fn:tokenize(fn:doc($uri),’\r’) to obtain the lines and fn:tokenize($line, ‘,’) to get the column values.

This would be much easier if Google Analytics put the lat/lng information for its Geo view in the detail table so that I could disambiguate cities with the same name.  For exmple I know for a fact there are Hacker-blog readers in both Melbourne, Florida and Melbourne, Australia.  In a real world scenario I would derive the lat/lng from requestor’s IP myself , just as Google is doing.  I’ll accept the innacuracy of taking the first city hit off the Google geocoding service for the purposes of this demo:


(please copy and paste to a new tab so you don’t run up my domain’s daily quota ;) )

To simulate geospatial events being tracked in MarkLogic, I’ll then insert one geocoded document into my database for each hit that I received and make sure to place this document in a collection called “event” to keep it separate from other docs in the database. How you model this isn’t too important, but here’s how I did it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <point>38.9846520, -77.0947092</point>

I place these files in a MarkLogic database that has a geospatial element index on the “point” localname.

Desired KML

So now onto generating the KML for a heatmap.  KML is an XML standard for Google Earth.  Each “bar” in the heatmap will actually be a colored extruded polygon which will look like a semi-transparent “skyscraper” and be represented in the KML like the following:

    <h3>4 documents in this region.</h3>
        <coordinates>-54,-36,209600 -54,-27,209600 -63,-27,209600 -63,-36,209600 -54,-36,209600</coordinates>

The coordinates are triples (lon,lat,altitude) listed in counterclockwise order so the surface normals face outward and the  Google Earth lighting equations will work correctly.  The style reference is a pointer to a defined color style listed earlier in the KML.

Stepping through the Code

My URL rewriter for MarkLogic is a one liner for this example as I want every request on the whole port to go to my map.xqy script.

xquery version "1.0-ml" ;
(: just send everything to the KML generating script :)

At the top of the module’s body I set up variables.  The first two are globals I’ll be updating with xdmp:set (which should be used carefully as it prevents XQuery from running tasks in parallel.  The $lat $lon and $count variables control the part of the globe that will be heatmapped and the rough number of gridded divisions in each dimension.

(: variables that will track maximum values :)
let $maxfreq := 0
let $maxregion := ()

(: analytics bounds -- set to entire world :)
let $lat1 :=  -90
let $lat2 :=  90
let $lon1 :=  -180
let $lon2 :=  180
let $count := 80 

I then derive a $countx and a $county which will be the number of grid divisions in each dimension with an eye towards keeping the regions “square.”  Remember that longitude has twice the numerical range as latitude.

  (: attempt to make the buckets square :)
  let $distx := ($lon2 - $lon1)  (: cts:distance( cts:point($lat1,$lon1), cts:point($lat1, $lon2) ) :)
  let $disty := ($lat2 - $lat1) (: cts:distance( cts:point($lat1,$lon1), cts:point($lat2, $lon1) ) :)
  let $mindist := fn:min(($distx,$disty))
  let $sidedist := $mindist div $count
  let $_ := xdmp:log(text{"sidedist",$sidedist},"error")
  let $countx := 
    if( fn:ceiling($distx div $sidedist) castable as xs:integer ) then
      xs:integer(fn:ceiling($distx div $sidedist))
      $count * 2
  let $county :=
    if( fn:ceiling($disty div $sidedist) castable as xs:integer ) then
      xs:integer(fn:ceiling($disty div $sidedist))

I then run the histogram analysis in MarkLogic.  This is the easy part because the Search API has a built-in function for doing just this.

  let $searchres := 
      <options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search">
        <constraint name="mygeo">
            <heatmap s="{$lat1}" w="{$lon1}" n="{$lat2}" e="{$lon2}" latdivs="{$county}" londivs="{$countx}"/>
            <element ns="" name="point"/> 

I remove out of range boxes (the Search API returns regions stretching from the poles to your outer bounds, which I don’t want.

let $boxes := 
    for $box in $searchres//search:box
    let $s := xs:float($box/@s)
    let $w := xs:float($box/@w)
    let $n := xs:float($box/@n)
    let $e := xs:float($box/@e)
    if( ($s ge $lat1) and 
        ($n le $lat2) and 
        ($w ge $lon1) and 
        ($e le $lon2) ) then  
            let $_ := xdmp:set( $maxfreq,  fn:max( ($maxfreq, xs:integer( $box/@count )) ) )
          (: remove this box, because it is accounting for hits outside the search area :)

We then generate the KML markers.  I’ll keep a map of the styles so I can deduplicate them when serializing the KML.

(:  Make sure to specify coordinates in CCW order so that KML lighting works correctly :)
declare function local:coord-from-box($box as cts:box, $alt as xs:double){
        let $south := xs:string(cts:box-south($box))
        let $west := xs:string(cts:box-west($box))
        let $north := xs:string(cts:box-north($box))
        let $east := xs:string(cts:box-east($box))
        let $alt := xs:string($alt)
            )," ")

let $stylemap := map:map()
let $markers := 
    for $box at $x in $boxes
        let $s := xs:float($box/@s)
        let $w := xs:float($box/@w)
        let $n := xs:float($box/@n)
        let $e := xs:float($box/@e)
        let $freq := xs:integer($box/@count)
          let $_ := if($freq eq $maxfreq) then xdmp:set($maxregion, $box) else ()
          let $alpha := if ($freq ge 1) then 0.5 else 0.1
          let $freq-prec := xs:double(fn:substring( xs:string($freq div $maxfreq), 1 , 5))
          let $color-prec := xs:double(fn:substring( xs:string((if($freq eq 0) then 1 else $freq) div $maxfreq), 1 , 5))
          let $style-name := fn:concat("s",fn:replace(xs:string($freq-prec),"\.",""))
          let $_ := if(map:get($stylemap,$style-name)) then () else map:put($stylemap, $style-name,
              <Style id="{$style-name}" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
                      <color>{local:html-color-from-percentage($color-prec, $alpha)}</color>
          let $alt := (200000 + (800000 * $freq-prec)) * (xs:float($sidedist) div xs:float(9.0)) 
          let $ctsbox := cts:box($s,$w,$n,$e)
              <Placemark  xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
                      <h3>{$freq} document{if($freq gt 1) then 's' else ()} in this region.</h3>
                  <Polygon xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">

The last step is to return the KML

  return (
      '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
      <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
            <name>KML Heatmap Global</name>
                <Style id="ml">
                for $key in map:keys($stylemap)

More Screenshots created by varying the input variables:


The Complete Source:

xquery version "1.0-ml";

import module namespace search="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search"
                    at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";

declare namespace kml = "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2";

(:White to red color scale in BBGGRR format :)
declare variable $COLOR_SCALE :=

  Converts number to single digit hex 
  I'm sure there is a better way to do this in XQuery, but I am lazy
declare function local:numToHex($n) as xs:string {
    if($n gt 15) then 'f'
    else if($n gt 9) then 
      if($n eq 10) then 'a'
      else if($n eq 11) then 'b'
      else if($n eq 12) then 'c'
      else if($n eq 13) then 'd'
      else if($n eq 14) then 'e'
      else if($n eq 15) then 'f' else '0'

    else xs:string($n)

(: takes from 1.0 to 0.0 :)
declare function local:numToHexPair($num) {
    let $intalpha := fn:round(255 * $num)
    let $big := $intalpha idiv 16
    let $small := $intalpha mod 16
    let $bigchar := local:numToHex($big)
    let $smallchar := local:numToHex($small)

(:  Make sure to specify coordinates in CCW order so that KML lighting works correctly :)
declare function local:coord-from-box($box as cts:box, $alt as xs:double){
        let $south := xs:string(cts:box-south($box))
        let $west := xs:string(cts:box-west($box))
        let $north := xs:string(cts:box-north($box))
        let $east := xs:string(cts:box-east($box))
        let $alt := xs:string($alt)
            )," ")

(: Color is specified in octal of hex pairs representing transparency 
   alpha and color triple AABBGGRR example: 88ff0000 :)
declare function local:html-color-from-percentage($freq-prec, $alpha) {
    let $colornum := xs:integer(  fn:ceiling($freq-prec * fn:count($COLOR_SCALE))  )
    let $colornum := if($colornum eq 0) then 1 else $colornum
    let $color := $COLOR_SCALE[$colornum]


(: variables that will track maximum values :)
let $maxfreq := 0
let $maxregion := ()

(: analytics bounds -- set to entire world :)
let $lat1 :=  -90
let $lat2 :=  90
let $lon1 :=  -180
let $lon2 :=  180
let $count := 80 

  (: attempt to make the buckets square :)
  let $distx := ($lon2 - $lon1)  (: cts:distance( cts:point($lat1,$lon1), cts:point($lat1, $lon2) ) :)
  let $disty := ($lat2 - $lat1) (: cts:distance( cts:point($lat1,$lon1), cts:point($lat2, $lon1) ) :)
  let $mindist := fn:min(($distx,$disty))
  let $sidedist := $mindist div $count
  let $_ := xdmp:log(text{"sidedist",$sidedist},"error")
  let $countx := 
    if( fn:ceiling($distx div $sidedist) castable as xs:integer ) then
      xs:integer(fn:ceiling($distx div $sidedist))
      $count * 2
  let $county :=
    if( fn:ceiling($disty div $sidedist) castable as xs:integer ) then
      xs:integer(fn:ceiling($disty div $sidedist))

  let $searchres := 
      <options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search">
        <constraint name="mygeo">
            <heatmap s="{$lat1}" w="{$lon1}" n="{$lat2}" e="{$lon2}" latdivs="{$county}" londivs="{$countx}"/>
            <element ns="" name="point"/> 

let $boxes := 
    for $box in $searchres//search:box
    let $s := xs:float($box/@s)
    let $w := xs:float($box/@w)
    let $n := xs:float($box/@n)
    let $e := xs:float($box/@e)
    if( ($s ge $lat1) and 
        ($n le $lat2) and 
        ($w ge $lon1) and 
        ($e le $lon2) ) then  
            let $_ := xdmp:set( $maxfreq,  fn:max( ($maxfreq, xs:integer( $box/@count )) ) )
          (: remove this box, because it is accounting for hits outside the search area :)

let $stylemap := map:map()
let $markers := 
    for $box at $x in $boxes
        let $s := xs:float($box/@s)
        let $w := xs:float($box/@w)
        let $n := xs:float($box/@n)
        let $e := xs:float($box/@e)
        let $freq := xs:integer($box/@count)
          let $_ := if($freq eq $maxfreq) then xdmp:set($maxregion, $box) else ()
          let $alpha := if ($freq ge 1) then 0.5 else 0.1
          let $freq-prec := xs:double(fn:substring( xs:string($freq div $maxfreq), 1 , 5))
          let $color-prec := xs:double(fn:substring( xs:string((if($freq eq 0) then 1 else $freq) div $maxfreq), 1 , 5))
          let $style-name := fn:concat("s",fn:replace(xs:string($freq-prec),"\.",""))
          let $_ := if(map:get($stylemap,$style-name)) then () else map:put($stylemap, $style-name,
              <Style id="{$style-name}" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
                      <color>{local:html-color-from-percentage($color-prec, $alpha)}</color>
          let $alt := (200000 + (800000 * $freq-prec)) * (xs:float($sidedist) div xs:float(9.0)) 
          let $ctsbox := cts:box($s,$w,$n,$e)
              <Placemark  xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
                      <h3>{$freq} document{if($freq gt 1) then 's' else ()} in this region.</h3>
                  <Polygon xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">

    let $camera := if($boxes) then
            <LookAt id="camera1">
                <longitude>{fn:avg((xs:float($maxregion/@w), xs:float($maxregion/@e)))}</longitude>
                <latitude>{fn:avg((xs:float($maxregion/@n), xs:float($maxregion/@s)))}</latitude> 
                <range>{8000000 * (xs:float($sidedist) div xs:float(9.0))  }</range>
        else ()
    return (
      '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
      <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
            <name>KML Heatmap Global</name>
                <Style id="ml">
                for $key in map:keys($stylemap)